If it is not possible for you to attend a Live Audition, a Video Audition will be accepted. Please keep in mind that students will be accepted to the program on a rolling basis and enrollment for the Texas intensive is limited to 50 students.
First, follow the guidelines below to create your audition video and upload it to YouTube. Once you’ve uploaded your video, click the Begin Registration button below to pay your $35 Audition Fee, complete the Audition Registration Form, and copy your video audition link into the space provided on the form.
Videos need not be professional quality; using the camera on your smart phone is sufficient. Your audition will not be affected by the quality of the video, provided you can be clearly seen and heard. Video formats compatible with YouTube include .mov, .avi, .mpeg, and .wmv. As a guideline, videos should be kept to approximately three to four minutes in length.
Video Audition Requirements
Before you begin, please slate:
your name, your age, current school, the program for which you are auditioning (Texas or Florida), and the names of your pieces.
• One 32 bar selection from standard Broadway repertoire, (live or recorded accompaniment).
• One contemporary 1 minute monologue from a published play.
• 30 second dance combination (ballet or jazz) that showcases your strongest technique. Please do not send a video of yourself in performance. Instead, we prefer to see you dance by yourself in a studio. You may use recorded music or have a dance teacher/assistant count in the background. Please be sure to set up your camera to show your entire body for the length of your combination.
• OPTIONAL – 30 second tap demonstration showcasing your strongest tap skills (pull-backs, time steps, wings, etc.), only if you are a tapper.
How to label your Video files
(ex. TBAI2015_Texas_Smith_John)
Upload your Video Audition to YouTube
Below is a link with instructions on how to upload your video to YouTube. Be sure to set your video privacy settings to “Unlisted” so your video can only be viewed by those who have the direct link. Do not mark your video as “Private”, or we will not be able to view your audition.
How to upload videos to YouTube.
After you have created your video and uploaded your audition to YouTube, click below to pay the $35 audition registration fee, fill out the Audition Registration Form, and attach your YouTube link in the space provided on the form.