Home What’s Happening Video Auditions Are Open For The INTENSIVE ’25 Registration is required to audition. Register Here It’s all about training! Check out the video to see how we do it at The Broadway Artists Intensive. The Faculty Julio Agustin Christy Altomare Brad Anderson Nancy Anderson Annaleigh Ashford Ashley Bachner Kate Baldwin Jacqueline Bayne Gary Beach Josh Bergasse Nora Brennan Christian Borle Laura Bell Bundy Kathy Calahan Andrew Cao Lloyd Culbreath Ron DeJesus Jeremy Davis Deanna Dys Philip Fortenberry Steve Freeman Mary Giattino Jason Gillman Greg Graham CJ Greer Brenda Jean Hamilton JoAnn M Hunter Nadine Isenegger Denis Jones Nick Kenkel Cara Kjellman Kris Koop Norm Lewis Jill Nicklaus Crista Moore Jerry Mitchell Laura Osnes Patricia Phillips Noah Racey Rachelle Rak John Rando Krissy Richmond Cesar Rocha Nicholas Rodriguez Jon Rua Tara Rubin Rommy Sandhu Enrique Segura Emily Skinner Dennis Stowe Joe Tapper Sergio Trujillo Eric Woodall Benton Whitley Tony Yazbeck