“TBAI was a wonderful experience that I will never forget. From just 3 weeks of the program I grew so much in my performing skills. The artistic directors were amazing and it was so easy to understand what we were doing from day to day. The other teachers there were all amazing and I love and miss them all very much. I loved those three weeks and I plan on coming back. Thank you all so much for that experience.”
– Matthew Wagner
“My time at The Broadway Artists Intensive was incredible. All of the faculty were so supportive, knowledgeable, kind and fun. Every class pushed me and taught me something new. The guest artists were great and I feel lucky to have been able to work with them. I am so grateful for the relationships I made through this program. The Broadway Artists Intensive gave me confidence to approach the next chapter in my life as I graduate from college and move into the real world to become a successful, happy working actor.”
– Adrienne Whitaker
“The Broadway Artists Intensive helped me to grow so much as a performer. It took the passion I have for theatre and turned it into a fire. It was such an amazing experience to be able to work with performers who have been working professionally and still are. I felt like I was receiving the best training and will continue to receive the best advice as part of the TBAI family.”
– Sarah Farmer
“I can honestly say that The Broadway Artists Intensive was one of the best three weeks of my life. It made me realize just how real my passion for performing is. Being completely immersed in such a program helped me not only grow as an artist, but as a person as well. Each teacher had something special to give to every student, and it was amazing to see the progress within myself and my peers as the days passed, not to mention it gave everyone a whole new appreciation for the business. I cannot thank TBAI enough for giving me the confidence and knowledge to pursue what I love. (PS: It’s not a camp!!!)”
– Danielle Troiano
“When I arrived for the first day at The Broadway Artists Intensive there was this energy in the air that you could taste; Every student was itching to work and share their talents. Honestly, I was extremely intimidated. But after the first day my anxiousness disappeared. Everyone was so kind and understanding. One lesson I will always remember is that “it’s not about where you came from, it’s about where you end up” (Jerry Mitchel). It didn’t matter where I was, experience wise, I just had to do the work to get where I needed to be. The teaching staff pushed me to a preforming level I never knew I had! They are honestly the most amazing people I have ever had the pleasure to meet. The Broadway Artists Intensive lit a fire within me to work harder than I have ever worked before. They taught us that this crazy thing called theatre is possible if you have the drive, talent and work ethic to make it happen. I will always be grateful for what I learned there and for the talented people I got to work with.”
– Brita Fagerstrom
“The Broadway Artists Intensive creates an environment for the performer that offers support, creativity, and inspiration. The faculty pushes students to discover and fine-tune their unique talents and gain a sense of confidence that they can proudly take with them beyond the three weeks of intense, but rewarding, work and play. I truly cherish my time spent at the intensive and and am grateful for the connections I have made and the knowledge that I have received.”
– Brianna Scully
“I can’t thank the faculty enough for being so caring, supportive and real with us throughout the intensive. The knowledge they shared with us has made such an impact on my growth as a performer. I really feel like I got a lot of insight into the professional world of theatre. I’m so grateful for the three weeks I spent at The Broadway Artists Intensive and I’m thrilled to be apart of the TBAI family!”
– Maci Bass
“The Broadway Artists Intensive opened my eyes to see not only how the world of show business really works but also how to succeed in this business. It is so rewarding to be treated like a professional by professionals, and to be surrounded be people who are just as passionate about their craft as I am. I love that the emphasis is more on the training than on the showcase. There is no telling what you are going to do as you enter each class, but you know you will leave the class as a better and smarter performer.”
– Sofia Faus
“The Broadway Artists Intensive was the most rewarding experience I’ve ever had. TBAI provided me so many opportunities to grow both as a performer and a person. We were able to work every day with real Broadway professionals in a very supportive environment. The Broadway Artists Intensive is a wonderful place to be the best you can be.”
– Sydney Wolff
“The Broadway Artist Intensive was an incredible experience. I fell back in love with performing and that was a really big deal for me. I made life long friendships and met teachers that inspired me in ways that I never could have imagined. Every one was so positive and understanding, so it was pretty easy to get in front of people and make mistakes. That is usually my favorite part. I learned so much in such a short amount of time. I am forever grateful.”
– Jeremy Maislin